Five Things Religion (Apart from the Gospel) Produces
Religiosity is like this strange disease—when you have it, it makes everyone around you want...
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Christianity Isn’t Cussing Less and Giving More
There’s a book in my library called unChristian that analyzes the results of an extensive,...
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Why the Gospel Teaches the Opposite of Religion
Believe it or not, Bill Maher, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and the Apostle Paul agree...
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Using Google to Share the Gospel
Jews in Jesus’ day had a hard time understanding how Gentiles could be saved. Gentiles...
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The Gospel Shows Us What Creation Cannot: God’s Love
The gospel, you see, shows us something about God that creation could never show us:...
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Three Reasons “Good People” Miss the Kingdom of God
This parable in Luke 14 is Jesus’ summation of Israel’s response to him: God had...
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Social Justice (A Gospel Issue?), Christians in the Two-party System, & A Powerful Senate Speech on Sexual Assault
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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Radically Ordinary Hospitality
I’ve been reading an excellent new book recently by Rosaria Butterfield, called The Gospel Comes...
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The Danger of “Fauxnerability,” Three Words for the Weary Pastor’s Wife, & Lessons from Church Revitalization
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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Why Do Most People Miss the Gospel?
The gospel message is not impressive on the surface. Its form—a preached word that we...
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