Summit Life
Through our radio and TV program, we want to inspire daily encounters with Jesus and his transformative grace.

Summit Life exists to take people deeper into the gospel and to advance the gospel wider in the world.

Summit Life began as a way of supplementing the weekend teaching of The Summit Church – a way to make a sermon last more than 40 minutes on Sunday.

Listen through our daily 25-minute radio broadcast and podcast, weekly 28-minute TV program, and daily on YouTube.
Recent Broadcasts
27 March, 2025
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Revelation
Death is never a comfortable subject, but in the back of our minds, we all know that death is eventually coming. So, what happens after?
26 March, 2025
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Revelation
Heaven is usually portrayed as this ethereal place in the clouds full of harps and chubby cherubim. But, is that really all we have to look forward to in eternity?
25 March, 2025
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Revelation
As we walk through the book of Revelation, Pastor J.D. explains how God has pulled back the curtain to give us a glimpse of the spiritual reality.
24 March, 2025
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Revelation
The book of Revelation has generated more curiosity and debate than any other book of the Bible. So, Pastor J.D. is helping us wrap our minds around the main point of this prophetic book.
21 March, 2025
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Acts
In our series called, The Whole Story, we’ve been traveling from Genesis to Revelation, discovering how every page is pointing to Jesus and revealing the gospel.
20 March, 2025
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Acts
Everyone wants to feel like they’ve succeeded at life. But, what does “success” even mean?

Gospel Partners
With a monthly gift of $45 or more, you become part of our team as a Gospel Partner and an integral part of boldly proclaiming the gospel through Summit Life with Pastor J.D. As a Gospel Partner, you’ll also receive new, hand-selected resources from Pastor J.D., in addition to quarterly updates on the impact of your giving.