Sex and the Church: 10 Excellent Resources

I found this article by Brad Hambrick incredibly helpful. He offers 10 resources on sex, most of which cover areas that the average Christian is embarrassingly ill-equipped to handle. It’s time for the church to be proactive and address this vital (and too often confusing) area of life:

For too long the church has allowed culture to own the discussion of sex. God created sex and declared it good. When we distort sex, God can redeem our guilt (if we have sinned) or our shame (if we have been abused). In a culture that is obsessed with sex – any honest assessment of modern marketing would have to concede we’re obsessed – the church must engage the conversation of sex and sexuality.

Below are ten resources that seek to address the subjects of sex and sexuality from a highly practical and thoroughly Scriptural world-view. Some are full-length seminars designed to launch pre-marital mentoring or recovery group ministries; others are as brief as a few minute introduction to important conversations with your children.

To access each resource just click on the heading with the title of that material.


This seminar examines God’s design for the romantic and intimate aspects of marriage. The fourth and fifth videos seek to provide a thorough sex education to facilitate a vibrant and satisfying sex life for married couples.


This seminar explores God’s design for marriage. The fourth video looks at the responsibilities that are shared in the “job description” of a Christian husband and wife. The fifth and sixth videos look at the responsibilities that are unique in the “job description” of a Christian husband and wife based upon gender.


This six minute video seeks to answer the question of many dating couples in our day:

My fiancé and I are getting married in a few months, but have been living together for a while. When we were doing our pre-marital counseling we were told living together before marriage was wrong and that we should live separately until we’re married. We want to honor God, but don’t understand why this is a big deal if we love each other and will be married in a few months anyway. We’re not trying to be rebellious, but we want to understand why a change like this would be necessary.

To read the entire resource list, click here.