Serbia: A Short Term Missions Success Story

We received this letter from a leading missionary in Eastern Europe, and I wanted to share it with the rest of the Summit. These are the kinds of short-term missions experiences that I get excited about. I am tremendously encouraged by this.

Dear Summit Staff,

My name is Lane Philips* and my family and I serve in Belgrade, Serbia with the IMB.  In the summer of 2012 we hosted our first Summit College team (part of the City Project) for two weeks.  They were tremendous and did a great job of serving alongside of us.  That trip led us to forge a partnership with The Summit Church in order to do ministry together in Belgrade.  I wanted to take a minute to tell you of the great things that happened this past summer (and are continuing) because of your commitment to following God and sending teams to minister alongside us.

This past summer the Summit sent two teams—one Second City team, which came for six weeks, and one City Project team, which came for two weeks.  Both teams taught English and did outreach projects with college students.  Together they taught over 200 people in 5-day English intensives, using a Creation to Christ story text.  Because of them, over 300 people heard the Gospel this summer in Belgrade.  Many of those people will be continuing English lessons this fall with my colleagues and me, furthering our opportunities to share the Gospel and expose them to our church.  These people did not just hear the Gospel: four people responded and became believers.  We are now discipling them and are praying to have a baptism for them in a few days.

Not only did your college teams share the gospel, but they also invited and brought over 25 new people to our church plant, 15 of whom have continued to come.  Because of this, we have outgrown our location and are planning to start a second group (new church plant) in just a few weeks.  This is a year ahead of schedule, and is all due to the faithfulness your students showed this summer.

The Second City team had the opportunity to do a weekly bible study with believing Serbian college students.  This served as a model for these students to replicate in the fall as well as a huge encouragement to these believers.

Aside from serving the people of Belgrade, the teams were an amazing blessing to my family.  Whether it was a bundle of American snacks, or a little time for my wife and me to have a dinner date, we were daily blessed by having them here. We look forward to continuing and growing the partnership with the Summit.

In January, we will be in the Raleigh-Durham area and look forward to meeting you and spending time at the Summit.

Lane Philips

Belgrade, Serbia


*Name changed for security