Resources On Same-Sex Attraction

This weekend we looked at one of the toughest and most controversial questions of our day: what does the Bible teach about same-sex attraction? The video of that message will be up on our website soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to provide some resources to help supplement that message. I pray these help you think through how to share Jesus’ heart toward those in the LGBT community.

Here is a recent interview I had with Rosaria Butterfield, the (incredibly wise and scary smart) author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert:


We also had the privilege of hosting Rosaria during a college event in March:


And what feels like forever ago (it was really just 2012), we discussed same-sex attraction during an Equip Leadership Forum. Here are three videos: (1) my talk on Christianity, homosexuality, and the gospel, (2) an insightful perspective from Christian counselor Dr. Sam Williams, and (3) a powerful testimony of a close friend who struggled with same-sex attraction.


Finally, this is my talk at the ERLC Conference last year, “Preaching Like Jesus to the LGBT Community”