Should Christians Be Colorblind?

In this week’s episode, Pastor J.D. is joined by special guest Trillia Newbell to talk about whether or not Christians should be colorblind.

Trillia just released her new children’s’ book, The Big Wide Welcome, and is also the author of God’s Very Good Idea. These books teach so many important lessons about how God has created us and the unity he desires us to have.

Show Notes:

  • J.D.: Trillia, one question related to your book that we hear all the time at our church: should Christians be “colorblind?” What I mean is, should we as Christians not be “seeing” the color of peoples’ skin? Should it be irrelevant?
  • Trillia: Often, this is very well-intentioned. It’s a way of saying, “I love all people.” But the Bible paints the picture of heaven in such a way that shows that even there, God will not erase our different races, cultures, etc.
  • Over and over, we see the nations reflected in the Scriptures — different from one another but all united around the gospel.

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