Gospel & Politics: Brooke Medina

This week on Ask the Pastor features a conversation between Pastor J.D. Greear and Brooke Medina. Brooke is a member of the Summit Church and serves as Vice President of Communications for the John Locke Foundation. She’s been published in numerous outlets including The Hill, Entrepreneur, Washington Examiner, WORLD, Daily Signal, FEE, and others.

A glimpse inside this episode:

  • Economics is fundamentally about human action and dignity.
  • Understanding economics through a Christian lens is crucial.
  • Private property ownership is essential for a well-ordered society.
  • Disagreement among Christians on economic issues is natural and necessary.
  • Welfare programs need to be structured to encourage economic mobility.
  • Ideas have consequences; bad ideas can harm individuals.
  • Christians should engage in political discourse with charity.
  • Free speech in the digital age presents new challenges for Christians.
  • The church should encourage members to enter all spheres of influence.
  • We must be witnesses of truth and grace in the public square.
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