Do you do family devotions? What are some examples of family discipleship?

Pastor J.D. discusses the role of the family in the growth and discipleship of children and shares some practical tips.

A glimpse inside this episode:

God gave the home and family as one of the two “gospel gardens,” the church being the second. The ultimate job of parenting it to let go and to send out.

Studies show the quality of the relationship not the depth of instruction is the determiner. Sociologist Vern Bengtson says in his book, Families and Faith, that studies conclusively show that the quality of the child’s relationship to the father is the single-most important factor in whether the child adopts the faith of the parents.

But what does this look like practically in the Greear household?

  • When they were young, every day. Now, once a week: Dad, devotion, dessert.
    • Allows me to plan. We study books of the Bible, and I jot down thoughts throughout the week.
    • Try to pray with my kids once a week.
  • I make sure they are equipped for quiet time. The Christian life has to grow from within, so I want to equip them but allow the Spirit to do what only the Spirit can do.


This Episode’s Sponsor: One of the greatest predictors of a disciple’s spiritual growth is regular Bible reading. That’s why LifeWay created the Daily Discipleship Guide. To download four free sessions of the Daily Discipleship Guide, visit




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