This past weekend, as I preached on Noah, I took a good-natured, below-the-belt shot at those parents who choose to use “Noah and the Ark” as their cuddly nursery theme. As I pointed out, Noah’s story isn’t very kid-friendly. Even at the end, once they’re off the ark and the flood is over, Noah is off getting stone-cold drunk and wandering around naked. Drunk Noah probably isn’t in your nursery mural.
Apparently that rebuke struck pretty close to home for one of our pastors. And he provided the photographic evidence to indict himself. These were too good not to share. For privacy reasons, I won’t tell you his initials, but his name is “Danny Franks.”
His explanation is worth including, too:
In light of yesterday’s message… 1. Yes, we were “those people,” and our son Jacob was “that baby.”
2. Yes, this was during the days of Veggie Tales on VHS and WAY-FM on the radio (the truer and better K-Love).
3. Yes, if I had it to do all over again, I would paint a little drunk & naked Precious Moments Noah in the corner.