J.D. Greear - January 23, 2022


As we continue our series through the book of Daniel, Pastor J.D. walks us through Nebuchadnezzar’s confusing dream in Daniel 2. Through this wild and startling story, we’ll learn to view our culture the way Daniel viewed his—not through assimilation, not through separation, but through transformation. Because what was true for Daniel is still true today: “There is a God in heaven.” So where human strategies fail, God begins to work.

Scripture References: Daniel 2:1-49

From Series: "Summit Life TV"

At The Summit Church, we aim to make disciples, not just converts. Disciples don’t just want to know what their master knew, but to do what their master did. As we step out in faith, we commit to do whatever God calls us to do and to go wherever he calls us to go. God doesn’t tell us what the entire journey will look like. He simply calls us to take a step of faith. Then another. And another. Join us as we learn to walk in step with him.


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