Encouraging Note About “Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart”

I got this encouraging note a couple days ago and thought it would be worth sharing:

I attended the Summit Church once or twice a few summers ago when I was in the RDU area, doing a clinical rotation for my doctorate degree. I’ve followed your church’s sermons via podcast ever since: my personal favorite series are (1) the series written after the Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart book, and (2) the series on Ephesians 5.

My husband and I aren’t in the RDU area anymore, although I’ve been trying to find a job there—which apparently isn’t God’s plan for us right now, so we’re staying put where we are.

We’ve been attending a small, local, rural church for the past several months. The pastor, although very well meaning and very spirit-led, was still very much of the once-saved-always-saved-no-matter-how-you’re-living-now mindset. The entire idea was that if you accept Jesus as a child, it doesn’t matter if, for the rest of your life, you don’t live it out in a Spirit-filled way.

I’ve been praying for God to work in his heart and correct that view—as well as to correct my heart for being so highly annoyed by it! Well, last week, at Bible Study, he came in and said, “I’m going to do things a little differently tonight. Something has come to my attention and I want to talk to you all about it, and have a group discussion.” He then brought out a copy of your book, Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, and my jaw almost hit the floor.

Our pastor then summarized your book and began laying out a plan for how the ministry of the church needed to change—how we needed to incorporate ministry towards those who think they’re saved but don’t act like it. I was so surprised and thankful to God. The whole time I couldn’t get this big, stupid grin off of my face!

I just wanted to write to you to thank you for a few things: (1) For writing that book, which is the main reason for this message. (2) For having your podcasts available to those of us who don’t live in the RDU area! God is doing so much work in my life because of the words and truths He speaks through you. I pray that God would continue to bless you and your ministry!! Thank you for all that you do.