Easter Report // 2013

Summit, if you were here for Easter weekend, you already know how amazing it was. God’s Spirit was at work: at our 7 campuses, over 9,000 people heard the gospel, and 173 of those responding by being baptized. We had an encore baptism this past weekend, and another 44 people were baptized!

Perhaps even more significant for us, almost 3,500 people attended one of our church plants across the country, and 53 people were baptized there.

You know how I feel about counting numbers. They can be an idol that puffs us up, a reason for us to pat ourselves on the back, as we become enamored with the illusion of our own greatness. That is not what we want. But numbers can also represent people, and God cares about each of the people that these numbers represent. When I hear that 270 people–with families and stories all their own–were touched by the gospel and were baptized . . . that makes my heart rejoice.