Not IF You Are Called, Only Where and How

Last year, by God’s grace, nearly 500 Summit members went on a short-term trip, and more than 200 of our current members live on one of our overseas church planting projects.

We want to invite you to be involved. The church is not an institution; it is a movement, and movements, by definition, move. Thus, if you are not moving with the gospel, you are not part of the movement.

I want to challenge, specifically, you college students to give at least one summer and your first two years after college to an intentional mission project. We call this our “Go Now Initiative,” which offers summer, semester-length, and two-year opportunities to join with our church plants—locally, nationally, and in countries all around the world. (Seriously, I wish I were lucky enough to be a college kid at the Summit in 2015. You guys have dozens of countries to choose from; I had basically one and a half.)

By God’s grace, we want to see 1,000 churches planted in our generation. If you’re in college, Go Now is the way you can be involved with this God-sized vision. The deadline for all Go Now opportunities is February 1st. Don’t waste your summer. Don’t waste your life. Most of all, don’t wait. Go now.

Special thanks to Cedarville University, who provided the video clip above, from their recent Missions Conference.