College students are always asking what God’s will is for their life. And the closer they get to graduating, the louder that question gets. There are two ways to hear that question. You can hear it as a heart seeking after the idol of certainty and security—and using God to do it. Or you can hear it as young people legitimately desiring to serve God with their talents.
Knowing my own tendency to seek after idols, I’m sure a lot of students fall into that first category. But on the whole, I choose to hear this question the second way. It thrills me to think of the 116,000 college students here in RDU, many of whom are sincerely asking, “How do I discover my calling? Where can I leverage my gifts for God’s kingdom?”
So for all the college students out there, I’ve got some good news: God has called you, and you can discover what that calling is. You won’t all be called to full-time ministry. In fact, most of you won’t. But God wants to leverage your specific set of skills for the gospel. So whether you become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, mother, or missionary, God’s got a role for you in his mission.
Here’s some more good news: we’ve got a conference to show you how. On September 12-13, the Advance College Conference will equip you to know how to live out God’s will practically in whatever context you find yourself. I’ll be there with Louie Giglio, Trip Lee, Elyse Fitzpatrick, and some of the most compelling missions speakers from around the world. The worship is going to be incredible. The venue is epic. You won’t want to miss this.
God can use your lives in tremendous ways to impact our cities and the nations for the gospel. So if you’re interested in finding out how your passions and God’s mission line up, this is your conference. Or, to put it differently, if you’re in college and live in Raleigh-Durham, God’s will for you is to attend this conference.
To register, check out Advance College Conference. And get moving: Early Bird pricing (just $49) ends tomorrow.
I’ll see you there in a few weeks!