Marriage Won’t Complete You
Whether we’re single or married, it’s easy to believe that marriage will complete us. But...
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It’s You. Hi. You’re the Problem. It’s You.
One thing we all have in common is that we experience conflict in relationships. It...
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The Best Parenting Advice I’ve Ever Gotten
During one particularly challenging season with one of our kids, I felt exasperated. It’s one...
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Three (Literal) Directions to Find Patience
I am incredibly good at being not good at patience. And my lack of patience...
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Three Reasons Partiality Is Wrong
Years ago, I read an article by someone who had grown up in a poor...
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Four Diagnostic Questions for the American Church
If anything is clear in the book of James, it’s that he really wants to...
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Is Cam Newton Right About Polygamy in the Bible?
During last year’s football season, quarterback Cam Newton made some statements that blew up the...
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Suggested Parenting Books
This weekend I mentioned some parenting resources, and I wanted to follow up by providing...
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Leave Vengeance to God
When life takes an unexpected turn, you have a choice: Take matters into your own...
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Why Is the Bible So Concerned With Homosexuality?
The following excerpt is adapted from a book I just released, Essential Christianity: The Heart...
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