But in Multi-Site, I Don’t Know the Pastor
It has been nearly 10 years since The Summit Church moved to a multi-site strategy....
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Shouldn’t I Love God More By Now?
Pastor J.D., I’ve been thinking a lot about something you mentioned in a sermon a...
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Why Plant Campuses, When You Can Plant Churches Instead?
One of the most frequent objections I get to our multi-site approach is this: “Why do...
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The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution
I am in the midst of reading this fascinating work, the combined efforts of one...
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The Doctrine of Hell: Closing Thoughts
This is the last in a five-part series on the doctrine of hell. Click here...
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The Doctrine of Hell: Those Who Have “Never Heard”
This is the fourth in a five-part series on the doctrine of hell. Click here for...
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The Doctrine of Hell: Religious Exclusivity
This is the third in a five-part series on the doctrine of hell. Click here for...
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The Doctrine of Hell: Apologetic Problems
This is the second in a five-part series on the doctrine of hell. Click here for...
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The Doctrine of Hell
This is the first of a five-part series on the doctrine of hell. Click here for...
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I Got Rhythm, I Got Margin (Who Could Ask For Anything More?)
For those of us in ministry, fatigue can often seem like a badge of honor....
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