7 July, 2022
Series: Hebrews
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Hebrews
Everyone feels the pressure to work harder and longer so they can get the next raise and be successful. But all that busyness takes a toll on our spiritual lives.
6 July, 2022
Series: Hebrews
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Hebrews
What fears control you? Is it fear of missing out? Or fear of pain, loneliness, or rejection? J.D. Greear describes how you can be freed from all of that.
5 July, 2022
Series: Hebrews
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Hebrews
The gospel flips the script of religion and frees us from every fear and every chain. It’s the difference between Christianity and every other religion!
4 July, 2022
Series: Hebrews
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Hebrews
The stories in the Old Testament are signs that point ahead to Jesus. Jesus is the single focus of the whole Bible, he’s the pinnacle of history, and he’s God’s Final Word.
1 July, 2022
Series: Hebrews
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Hebrews
Imagine the best thing that could ever happen to you. Christ is better! In fact, Christ is better than anything this world has to offer.
30 June, 2022
Series: Broken Saviors
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Judges
We’re looking at a collection of stories from Judges, Chapters 17 to 21–accounts that reveal the tragic outcome when a society turns its back on God’s leading.
29 June, 2022
Series: Broken Saviors
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Judges
This message looks at the final chapters of the book of Judges. It’s a time when the Israelites turned their backs on God’s leading. They still acknowledged him with their lips, but they’d become, in essence, a nation of atheists.
28 June, 2022
Series: Broken Saviors
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Judges
Just like Samson, we’ve all fallen into the trap of our own desires. So what’s the answer?
27 June, 2022
Series: Broken Saviors
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Judges
Pastor J.D. reveals that your own heart is usually your worst enemy. This message is the third part of a four-part message on the life of Samson.