24 October, 2024
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
The word “charismatic” has very strong connotations for Christians today, and it can be extremely divisive. But as he continues our series called, Rushing Wind, Pastor J.D. gives us clarity on this issue, revealing what the Bible really says about the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers.
23 October, 2024
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
In certain churches, the Holy Spirit is talked about as something you experience during worship, when the music crescendos and you get a surge of emotions. Or, when we’re praying about a decision and we feel a warmth in our chest, we think that that’s the Holy Spirit telling us which way to go.
22 October, 2024
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
In some churches, you’ll hear a lot of talk about God the Father and Jesus Christ, but the Holy Spirit seems to sort of get pushed to the side. In other churches, people focus so much on trying to hear from the Holy Spirit, that they’ll interpret anything and everything as a sign from him. So which side is more biblical? What role is the Holy Spirit supposed to play in our churches and in our lives? Pastor J.D. unpacks those questions as he continues our new series called, Rushing Wind.
21 October, 2024
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
When most people try to picture God the Father, they think of him sitting on a throne in heaven. And when we try to picture Jesus, we imagine a bearded carpenter, maybe holding a lamb. But the Holy Spirit can be a little bit harder to relate with! In our series called, “Rushing Wind,” Pastor J.D. gets in-depth with what the Bible tells us about the Holy Spirit: who he is, what he does, and how he’s working in our world today.
18 October, 2024
Series: Flags
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world, and yet there are myths we believe inside and outside the church that make a season of political turmoil feel even darker. In this broadcast, Pastor J.D. continues to look at some of those myths and how, when we look at the words of Jesus as he stood before Pilate, we will be able to replace feelings of anxiety and despair with hope and urgency about sharing the gospel.
17 October, 2024
Series: Flags
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
In this second message of our “Flags” series, Pastor J.D. explores several myths that are common in our approach to politics, both outside and inside the church. By focusing instead on Jesus’ revolutionary claim to Pilate in John 18, we’ll see that Jesus’ kingdom puts every other earthly kingdom—and political party—into stark perspective.
16 October, 2024
Series: Flags
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
While it is every Christian’s responsibility to bring their faith and understanding of God’s kingdom into all that they do, the church as an organization has a limited platform. In this broadcast, Pastor J.D. looks at the church’s duty to preach righteousness, justice, and compassion and our complementary role as church members so that we can be united by what is most important—our identity in Christ.
15 October, 2024
Series: Flags
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
In this first message of our “Flags” series, Pastor J.D. Greear shows us that the hope of the gospel unites the most unlikely of people from all tribes, tongues, nations … and even political parties.
14 October, 2024
Series: The Life of David
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 1 Samuel
Chapters 22 and 23 of 2 Samuel felt like an ideal place to end David’s story, with a testament to God’s redeeming power. In this message, Pastor J.D. explains why 2 Samuel ends with 70,000 Israelites dying because of the sin of their king and how the story—the whole story of David’s life—points to the real King we’ve all been looking for and the only right response to him.