• 23 May, 2023

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: J.D. Greear

    Book: Romans

    The Anatomy of Faith, Part 2

    Do you have the kind of faith Abraham had? The Apostle Paul says that, even when he faltered, Abraham “did not waver in unbelief.” As Pastor J.D. continues to teach from Romans 4, he helps us understand that faith is not about never failing; it’s about placing your trust in the God who always keeps his promises. Faith is about admitting that you cannot save yourself, but that, in God’s grace, he has done it for you.

  • 22 May, 2023

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: J.D. Greear

    Book: Romans

    The Anatomy of Faith

    One of the most common questions about Christianity is, “How did people in the Old Testament get to heaven?” In today’s teaching, Pastor J.D. teaches us not only when and how Abram — the “father of our faith” — was saved, but also how our faith is the same as Abraham’s. Through his story, we see that the Christian life is started and sustained by faith that God will keep his promises and that he fulfilled his most important one in Jesus.

  • 19 May, 2023

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: J.D. Greear

    Book: Romans

    Inclusive Exclusivity, Part 2

    When we experience division in the church, the first question we should ask is, “What are we boasting in?” As he continues in Romans 3, Pastor J.D. shows us in this message the three things we tend to boast in and why they contribute to conflict. When we understand that, while God only accepts those who are repentant, he also accepts repentant people from every background and race, only then will we have unity in God’s family.

  • 18 May, 2023

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: J.D. Greear

    Book: Romans

    Inclusive Exclusivity

    We often like the concept of diversity, as long as other people adapt to our customs and styles. But the gospel teaches us a different way. In this message, Pastor J.D. teaches from Romans 3, where we learn that, while there is only one way to salvation, God doesn’t accept us because of anything about us but because of what he’s done for us. This makes Christianity, as Tim Keller says, “the most inclusive exclusivity there is.”

  • 17 May, 2023

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: J.D. Greear

    Book: Romans

    Righteousness Revealed, Part 2

    If you’ve never known how to reply to someone who asks, “What’s the big deal about Jesus?” then this is the message for you. Pastor J.D. continues through the passage in Romans 3 that some scholars say is the most important in the Bible. Through its message, we learn what makes Christianity so different from every other religion and how accepting Jesus’ forgiveness changes the foundation of our lives.

  • 16 May, 2023

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: J.D. Greear

    Book: Romans

    Righteousness Revealed

    Have you ever wondered how to respond when someone asks you why you think Jesus is the only way to salvation? In this message, Pastor J.D. walks through one of the most important passages in Romans, what Martin Luther called “the very central place … of the whole Bible.” In it, we find not only the answer to why Jesus saves but also a confidence that is found only through our justification.

  • 15 May, 2023

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: J.D. Greear

    Book: Romans

    Religion—What is it Good for?, Part 2

    Billy Graham said that what sends most people to hell is not their sins but their good works, because good works make us think there is something good about us that can save us from ourselves. Pastor J.D. continues in this message from Romans to show us how religion cannot reform us and willpower cannot change our hearts—and the one thing we need to come to Jesus for salvation.

  • 12 May, 2023

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: J.D. Greear

    Book: Romans

    Religion—What is it Good for?

    You’ve got a problem. We all do! Salvation through Jesus has always been available, but many people still have not received it because they’re not willing to admit that there’s a problem with their heart. In this message, Pastor J.D. walks through Romans 3 and helps us see how the law showed us our need for a Savior, but that we cannot do anything to be made righteous except believe in Jesus who kept the law in our place.

  • 11 May, 2023

    Series: Romans

    Speaker: J.D. Greear

    Book: Romans

    Religion Can’t Save You, Part 2

    Good news! Though religion can’t change us, the gospel gives us a new heart. In Romans 2 Paul admonishes religious people who have grown up in church and have never recognized their need for repentance but reminds us that there is hope. In this message, Pastor J.D. shows us the only way for religious and irreligious people to be saved and how God stands ready not with condemnation but mercy and kindness.