11 June, 2024
Series: Freedom In the In-Between
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Galatians
As we continue our series called, Freedom in the In-Between, Pastor J.D. is tackling an issue that’s critical to understanding the gospel: the relationship between grace and actions. We’re in Galatians chapter 3, and J.D. is answering the question, “If we’re saved by grace, then what’s the point of obeying God’s law?”
10 June, 2024
Series: Freedom In the In-Between
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Galatians
It’s been said that Christianity is more like a relationship than a religion. Religions are about what you do, while the gospel is about what God did for you. But if that’s the case, why do Christians still follow certain rules?
7 June, 2024
Series: Freedom In the In-Between
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Galatians
As we continue our series called, “Freedom in the In-Between,” Pastor J.D. is talking about a subject that comes up a lot: love. What does genuine Christian love actually look like, and how do we live it out? We’re diving into those questions as we continue our study in Galatians 5:25-6:18.
7 June, 2024
Series: Freedom In the In-Between
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Galatians
Next time you’re in a bookstore, go take a peek at the self-improvement section. You’ll see rows and rows of books promising to unlock the secret to a better life. But no matter how many diets you follow or how much positive thinking you do, none of those tricks are going to fill your deepest needs or fix your greatest problems!
6 June, 2024
Series: Freedom In the In-Between
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Galatians
Our Western culture is highly individualistic. We all want to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and make our own way in the world. We don’t want to be dependent on anyone. But Pastor J.D. cautions us that a self-made mindset doesn’t work when it comes to holiness!
5 June, 2024
Series: Freedom In the In-Between
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Galatians
Most everyone agrees that freedom is a good thing. And yet, freedom inevitably leads to conflict. If I’m free to have my opinion, then you’re free to disagree! But as Pastor J.D. continues our study of Galatians, he’s explaining how our freedom in Christ actually leads to greater unity!
4 June, 2024
Series: Freedom In the In-Between
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Galatians
If you turn on the news these days or browse through Facebook for a bit, it will be pretty apparent that we’re living in turbulent times. Emotions are running high over issues like politics and race relations.
3 June, 2024
Series: Freedom In the In-Between
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Galatians
Paul’s transformation from a Jesus-hating Pharisee to a passionate Christ-follower is nothing short of miraculous. But if you’re a follower of Christ, then your story is a miracle, too! And your testimony is powerful proof of the truth of the gospel! That’s our subject as Pastor J.D. continues our study of Galatians called, “Freedom in the In-Between.”
31 May, 2024
Series: Freedom In the In-Between
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Galatians
The word “gospel” literally means, “good news.” It assures us that we’re saved by Jesus’ blood alone, not by anything we do. But how can we really know if the gospel we find in scripture is accurate? How do we know it wasn’t just a clever conspiracy the disciples came up with to gain a following?