31 January, 2019
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Ruth
In this message, Pastor J.D. walks us through the story of a woman who lost everything. And through her story, we’re finding hope to carry us through even in the darkest seasons!
30 January, 2019
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Joshua
How do you judge success in life? As we look at the book of Joshua, Pastor J.D. is explaining how to find success in surrender.
29 January, 2019
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Joshua
In military terms, surrender is a bad thing. It means you’ve failed or given up. But in spiritual terms, surrender is the best decision you’ll ever make!
28 January, 2019
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Deuteronomy
At the center of any religion, you’ll find a list of rules and expectations. But the gospel is different, because it’s not about anything we’ve done!
25 January, 2019
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Deuteronomy
As Pastor J.D. dives into the story of Moses, we’re discovering Moses isn’t supposed to be a role model. He’s a signpost pointing to a much greater hero!
24 January, 2019
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
As believers, we know we’re saved by God’s grace alone, not by any works that we do. But why does the Bible give us so many rules and regulations?
23 January, 2019
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
Many people think of the Bible as just a book of rules and regulations. But Pastor J.D. explains the true purpose behind all of God’s standards.
22 January, 2019
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Leviticus
As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, The Whole Story, he explains how the practices of Yom Kippur point to Jesus!
21 January, 2019
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Leviticus
As we continue our series called, The Whole Story, Pastor J.D. dives into a part of the Bible that you don’t usually hear a lot about: the book of Leviticus.