30 April, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
Today Pastor J.D. brings a challenging message from an unexpected place in the Bible as he teaches on the fifth commandment in our series called, This is What the Heart Looks Like.
29 April, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
As time goes on, we start to put our trust and security in what we do. But today, Pastor J.D. challenges us to remember the Sabbath and make room for rest.
26 April, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
We all find ourselves trusting in our work more than God for our future. But Pastor J.D. is reminding us why it’s so important to keep the Sabbath holy.
25 April, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
Sometimes we attempt to make God look more like us, rather than seeing ourselves in him! Pastor J.D. is helping us to examine our hearts and identify the graven images in our lives.
24 April, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
When you hear the word “idol,” what do you picture? An ancient statue, a graven image? Pastor J.D. explains that idols are still with us today, they just come in different packages.
23 April, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
Today, in our series on the Ten Commandments, Pastor J.D. is tackling the first commandment, the one that is key to all the rest: You shall have no other gods before me.
22 April, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
Do you have a drawer full of owner’s manuals at your house? A place you store appliance manuals that you’ve never read? Pastor J.D. is showing us how the Ten Commandments reveal what our hearts are like.
19 April, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
The Ten Commandments reveal what’s wrong with our heart and then even give us clues on how to fix it.
18 April, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Exodus
As believers, we know we’re saved by God’s grace alone not by any rules that we follow. So why does the Bible give us so many rules we can never fully live up to?