27 June, 2019
Series: Listen
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Matthew
In the parables, Jesus reveals the beauty of the gospel, but only for those whose heart is in a posture to perceive it—only for those who truly listen.
26 June, 2019
Series: Listen
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Matthew
Today Pastor J.D. begins teaching through the parables of Jesus, stories so simple a child can understand them, yet so profound that we can never exhaust their wealth of wisdom!
25 June, 2019
Series: Rest + Distraction
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Luke
Pastor J.D. shows us that distraction and the feeling of being overwhelmed and hurried often comes from being terribly out of fellowship with Jesus.
24 June, 2019
Series: Rest + Distraction
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Hebrews
It’s safe to say that our society deals with more distractions than any previous society in history. Most of us feel like we are constantly pulled in different directions. Today, Pastor J.D. talks about being a distracted people who need focus.
21 June, 2019
Series: Rest + Distraction
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Hebrews
You know, Jesus promised that for all who came to him, he would give them rest. But in today’s society, where overworking is the new norm, most of us hear Jesus’ invitation as wishful thinking.
20 June, 2019
Series: Rest + Distraction
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Hebrews
Pastor J.D. shows us that those most mature in Jesus are not those working hardest for him but those resting most in him.
19 June, 2019
Series: First
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Colossians
Pastor J.D. encourages us to pray, act wisely, and stay alert as he follows Paul’s conclusion of the book of Colossians.
18 June, 2019
Series: First
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Colossians
We go to church on the weekends, check that box, and move on. But today, Pastor J.D. reminds us that Jesus isn’t one part of our life, he’s first in everything!
17 June, 2019
Series: First
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Colossians
Pastor J.D. cautions us about treating Jesus like an a la carte menu. We’ll see that we can’t take Jesus and “a little bit of this” and “a little bit of that.”