24 December, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Matthew
It’s been said that there’s a “God-shaped hole” in every heart. We all sense there’s something missing. Pastor J.D. looks at the story of the most famous seekers of all time—the wise men.
23 December, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Matthew
As we study the story of the Wise Men, Pastor J.D. argues that all of us are hungry for God, whether we realize it or not. We just might not be looking in the right place!
20 December, 2019
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Revelation
We learn there are only two responses to Jesus: worshipping or weeping. Those worshipping because they have found in Jesus the Savior they longed for, and those weeping because they face one disappointment after another.
19 December, 2019
Series: The Revelation of Jesus
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Revelation
Pastor J.D. continues today to point us toward full-hearted devotion to Christ so that our lives scream his worthiness. As we move away from lukewarm Christianity, we open the door to rich fellowship with Jesus.
18 December, 2019
Series: The Revelation of Jesus
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Revelation
Today, Pastor J.D. dives into the characteristics of a lukewarm Christian and why they trigger such a dramatic response from Jesus. This message shows us how to move past lukewarm devotion to Jesus so that when he knocks, we will open the door and invite him into our lives.
17 December, 2019
Series: The Revelation of Jesus
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Revelation
Today, Pastor J.D. continues to look at the revelation of Jesus to John and reveals why, when we face trials … even more than good advice or sympathy or a miracle … we need Jesus.
16 December, 2019
Series: The Revelation of Jesus
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Revelation
Good cheer and glad tidings are a painful reminder of a broken relationship, a long sickness, or an empty place at the table. When God takes us through tribulation, remembering his love and power will help us stop shouting and start worshipping.
13 December, 2019
Series: Hope Has a Name
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Isaiah
Pastor J.D. continues today to identify four types of father wounds that our Everlasting Father heals and shows us how Jesus fills those longings and is the heavenly Father we’ve always craved.
12 December, 2019
Series: Hope Has a Name
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Topic: Isaiah
Today, Pastor J.D. identifies four types of father wounds from the series “Hope Has a Name” to show us how Jesus came to heal those wounds.