21 September, 2020
Series: Romans
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Romans
In this message, Pastor J.D. looks to Romans 12 to give us four ways to overcome evil with good and how remembering how Jesus has loved you will help you do the same for others.
18 September, 2020
Series: Romans
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Romans
Can you imagine a church that didn’t need great musicians or special events to attract people because of the way that it loved each other and the world? We don’t have to wonder if or how that’s possible.
17 September, 2020
Series: Romans
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Romans
By showing us six characteristics of gospel-shaped love, Pastor J.D. helps us see that only when we become the kind of community that is known for its love will the world be persuaded to believe the gospel.
16 September, 2020
Series: Romans
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Romans
Pride messes up our lives in a lot of ways. But one way you may not have thought about it being a problem is when it keeps you from pursuing your spiritual gifts.
15 September, 2020
Series: Romans
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Romans
In this message from Romans 12, Pastor J.D. explains why we need to balance the realities that while God saved us entirely through grace, he also gave us his Spirit and a unique role to fulfill in his kingdom.
14 September, 2020
Series: Romans
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Romans
We’ll learn why the will of God is not so much certain choices we make but a way of thinking that informs our choices and how, as we become the kind of person God wants us to be, we’ll instinctively do the right things.
11 September, 2020
Series: Romans
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Romans
When we understand how it’s different from just religious change, then the gospel can change the way we grow in and not just begin the Christian life.
10 September, 2020
Series: Romans
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Romans
How do you worship God when you don’t understand how he could let you experience the difficult circumstances you’re going through? In this message from Romans 11, Pastor J.D. shows us how even the Apostle Paul acknowledged that God’s ways for him are unsearchable.
9 September, 2020
Series: Romans
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Romans
When you don’t understand God’s ways, you can still trust in his character, revealed in Jesus. Then, you can worship.