2 March, 2021
Series: Something Greater
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 2 Kings
Many of us like to think we’d follow God to the ends of the earth, but we haven’t even taken the first little steps of faith!
1 March, 2021
Series: Something Greater
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 2 Kings
When most of us pray, we typically spend the bulk of our time telling God about our needs and desires. There’s nothing wrong with that, in and of itself, but what does it say about our hearts? Do we really want God, or just his blessings?
26 February, 2021
Series: Something Greater
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 2 Kings
If you’ve ever lost or broken your glasses, you know that without our eyes, most of us are pretty helpless. But Pastor J.D. reveals that you might be going through life blind, without even knowing it!
25 February, 2021
Series: Something Greater
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 2 Kings
Without our sense of sight, most of us are surprisingly helpless. And many of us are going through life with spiritual blindness.
24 February, 2021
Series: Something Greater
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 2 Kings
As he continues our series called, Something Greater, Pastor J.D. explains how we can experience God’s miraculous, mountain-moving power in our own lives. It might not be how you expect!
23 February, 2021
Series: Something Greater
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 2 Kings
What do you think a “blessed life” looks like? Wealth? Health? A happy family? Pastor J.D. explains what biblical blessing looks like and teaches us how we can make room for God to move in our lives.
22 February, 2021
Series: Something Greater
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Most decisions in life are reversible. But Pastor J.D. is describing one decision that needs to be all in, no holds barred, and no going back!
19 February, 2021
Series: Something Greater
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Most of us would say we want to be used by God. But Pastor J.D. is challenging us to consider whether or not we’re really willing to take up our cross and follow wherever God leads.
18 February, 2021
Series: Something Better
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 1 Kings
Pastor J.D. continues our study in First Kings as the prophet Elijah is running for his life, and dealing with understandably mixed emotions. We’re looking at the biblical response to depression and finding hope even in the darkest times!