20 April, 2021
Series: Come Back to Me
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Hosea
As we kick off a series titled, Come Back to Me, we’re discovering a beautiful and surprising picture of the gospel in the story of an unusual marriage.
19 April, 2021
Series: Can't Believe
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
A lot of people imagine God as an angry judge who’s constantly disappointed. But Pastor J.D. reveals that God actually uses our failures to make us more dependent on him!
16 April, 2021
Series: Can't Believe
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
If we’re honest, we’ve all had days where we’ve messed up big time. But as Pastor J.D. continues our series called, Can’t Believe, he explains how God can redeem even our greatest failures.
15 April, 2021
Series: Can't Believe
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
Many people who reject the resurrection like to think that their issue is an intellectual one. But Pastor J.D. argues that unbelief doesn’t actually stem from a lack of evidence.
14 April, 2021
Series: Can't Believe
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
As we continue our series called, Can’t Believe, we’re discovering how we can overcome doubts and fully trust in God, even if we still have questions.
13 April, 2021
Series: Can't Believe
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
Pastor J.D. explains that not making a decision is, in itself, a decision! We might not be actively rejecting God, but are we willing to step out in faith and follow him?
12 April, 2021
Series: Can't Believe
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
As we continue our series called, Can’t Believe, we’re discovering how staying on the sidelines can cause us to miss out on Jesus.
9 April, 2021
Series: Can't Believe
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
How do we continue trusting God when life goes wrong? Pastor J.D. helps us think through that question and find hope to sustain our faith through the hard times.
8 April, 2021
Series: Can't Believe
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: John
When life goes tragically wrong, a lot of people end up questioning their faith. But Pastor J.D. explains that pain can either drive us away from God, or it can drive us deeper into the gospel.