10 August, 2021
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
As we continue our series called, The Whole Story, Pastor J.D. explains what Noah’s story reveals about our sin, God’s wrath, and the plan of redemption.
9 August, 2021
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
If you asked a few people to name their favorite aspect of God’s character, his wrath usually won’t be at the top of the list. But Pastor J.D. explains that God’s wrath isn’t something to be covered up.
6 August, 2021
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
It doesn’t take more than about ten minutes of listening to the news to know that our world is pretty messed up. So, how did things get that way? And is there any way to fix it?
5 August, 2021
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
Most people like to think of themselves as a “pretty good person.” But Pastor J.D. is challenging that notion as he continues our study called, The Whole Story.
4 August, 2021
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
As we continue our series called, The Whole Story, we’re discovering what the creation account in the book of Genesis reveals about God’s design for us.
3 August, 2021
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
As we continue our series called, The Whole Story, Pastor J.D. unpacks the story of creation—and what it says about our ultimate purpose!
2 August, 2021
Series: The Whole Story
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Psalms
When you pick up a Bible, you’re actually holding sixty-six books, written by more than thirty authors over a span of thousands of years. And yet, it all tells one story!
30 July, 2021
Series: Mystery & Clarity
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Ephesians
We would never forget to put on clothes before we leave the house in the morning. But often, we forget to get dressed spiritually.
29 July, 2021
Series: Mystery & Clarity
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Ephesians
A firefighter would never run into a burning building without their gear. Being properly equipped is important! But often as Christians, we enter the spiritual battlefield without any protective gear.