21 May, 2021
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 1 Corinthians
We’re called to be so much more than just an audience at church. We’ve all been given spiritual gifts, and we’re supposed to use them!
20 May, 2021
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 1 Corinthians
What’s the best present you’ve ever gotten? Pastor J.D. reminds us that, as believers, we’ve all been given a spiritual gift. But what does that mean exactly?
19 May, 2021
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
As he continues our series called Rushing Wind, Pastor J.D. reminds us about the most important request we can make in prayer. And it’s something that’s probably slipped your mind!
18 May, 2021
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
How do we become more like Jesus? Is it by reading our Bibles more, getting an accountability partner, or volunteering more at church? Those things are definitely good steps, but they only deal with surface-level issues.
17 May, 2021
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
As we continue our series called, Rushing Wind, Pastor J.D. explains how we connect to the Spirit’s power so we can do God’s work in the world.
14 May, 2021
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Ephesians
As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, Rushing Wind, we’re studying the third person of the Trinity and learning how to live in the power of the Holy Spirit.
13 May, 2021
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Ephesians
Some Christians think there will be a clear, outward sign when you receive the Holy Spirit. Others believe in the Spirit in theory, but don’t think he really changes anything in their lives. But what does the Bible really say?
12 May, 2021
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Ephesians
When we give our lives to Jesus, the Bible says we’re sealed with the Holy Spirit. But what does that mean? Is the Spirit just a stamp we get in our spiritual passport to make sure we’ll get into heaven?
11 May, 2021
Series: Rushing Wind
Speaker: J.D. Greear
For a car to work, it has to be drawing from the right power source. And the same is true of us! Pastor J.D. is pointing us to the power source for the Christian life.