Why Men and Women Should Work Together, How to Establish Healthy Boundaries, & Good News About Abortion

Wisdom for Your Weekend is your regular installment of what we’ve been reading (and watching) around the web. Presented to you by Chris Pappalardo, with guidance from Pastor J.D., this is our attempt to reflect Proverbs 9:9: “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.” While we do not always agree with everything these authors post, we share these resources because we find them challenging and enriching. As we often say around the Summit, when it comes to reading, “Eat the fish and spit out the bones.”

Articles of the Week

Why Men and Women Can—And Must—Work Together, Faith Whatley. The SBC Women’s Leadership Network launched last week, providing an avenue for some of the women leaders of the SBC to exercise their God-given gifts. The initial response has been encouraging, and we’re praying for more. Whatley’s article touches on an important topic—how men and women can work together, not only as sacred siblings, but also as friends. I (Chris) have been searching for an article like this for years.

Longing for an Internet Cleanse, David Brooks. It’s not often that you find a New York Times article praising prominent Christians or extolling the beauty of the Sabbath. But Brooks has done it. In our frenetically paced world, we could all use a change of pace, stepping away from the panicked speed of the internet and stepping into the slower world of art. In that slower world, we hear echoes of another world altogether, one that will outlast the ravings of even the most impassioned pundit.

The #1 Productivity Killer in Your Life – And Why It Will Always Win, Karl Vaters. If you’re into productivity hacks, you need this article in your life. Productivity is wonderful—redeem the time, as the Apostle Paul says—but productivity can become an easy idol. If we aren’t careful, the urgency of productivity will ruin our health, our relationships, and our lives. Vaters highlights the #1 productivity killer in your life, and urges you to let it win.

Four Principles for Thinking Well About Boundaries, Brad Hambrick. Start talking about “boundaries” in the wrong context and you’re liable to start a fight. For some, the notion of setting relational boundaries is not only healthy, but nearly self-evident. For others, relational boundaries violate the core of Christian ethics. In reality, most of the fire surrounding this discussion would wane if we started by defining our terms. Enter Hambrick, who gives four helpful principles for the practice of boundary-setting. When done well, boundaries are not a rejection, but an invitation.

Abortion Will Be Considered Unthinkable 50 Years from Now, Karen Swallow Prior. The cultural battle surrounding abortion continues to rage, and often seems irresolvable. But as Prior points out, abortion rates continue to decline, and are lower now than at any point since 1973. That’s good news, and may portend even better days ahead. In fact, Prior thinks elective abortion will be unthinkable in another 50 years. We pray she is right.

On the Lighter Side

Six Types of Internet Trolls (and How to Respond to Them), Bruce Ashford. This flavor of Dr. Ashford only comes through at rare moments. But when it does, it’s pure delight. Don’t sip your coffee while you peruse this one, lest you spew said coffee all over your screen.