Does Your Giving Say “Leftovers” or “Lord”?
If we feel slighted by a meal in which we were only a secondhand thought,...
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Don’t Miss the Invitation to Share a Meal with Jesus
Receiving an invitation to a meal is an honor because eating with someone is one...
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How Can Your Job Benefit the Poor?
If it’s crossing your mind that you can climb the ladder in your workplace, then...
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Jesus Is Not Just Important. He Must Be First.
Jesus is first. He is the Creator of everything, the template on which it was...
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How to Pray (Part 5): “Lead Us Not Into Temptation”
Only God’s grace can deliver us from the temptations of our heart, especially since we...
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How to Pray (Part 4): “Give Us Our Daily Bread” and “Forgive Us Our Sins”
The essence of sin, you see, is independence and autonomy from God. “Give us our...
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How to Pray (Part 3): “Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done”
The point of prayer is not to get God to help us in all of...
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How to Pray (Part 2): “Hallowed Be Your Name”
Have you noticed in Jesus’ model prayer in Matthew 6 that before we get to...
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How to Pray (Part 1): “Our Father”
Thankfully, we don’t have to wonder how we should pray. There is a story in...
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For Those Who Feel Shame, God Calls You “Beloved”
Right now, you may be hiding in the crowd, wondering what it’s like to be...
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