Tradecraft: For the Church on Mission – A Review
The following book review is a guest post from our Church Planting Pastor, Mike McDaniel....
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Belief: Why Present Posture Matters More Than Past Memory
My new book officially came out last Friday: Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to...
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Doesn’t the Bible Talk About ‘Losing Salvation?’
My new book officially came out on Friday: Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to...
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Don’t Feel Your Way into Your Belief; Believe Your Way into Your Feelings
My new book officially came out on Friday: Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to...
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How Can I Know I Am Really Saved?
My new book officially came out on Friday: Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to...
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Is It OK To Ask Jesus into Your Heart?
My new book officially comes out today: Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to Know...
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Hiring for Racial Diversity
I read two excellent blog posts recently from Bryan Loritts: “What Carlton Banks, Ice Cube,...
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Communion with the Spirit is Not So Much Him Speaking New Words To Us, But Giving Us a Greater Awareness of the ‘Old’ Ones
In the opening verses of 1 John, the Apostle John says that one of the...
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From the streets of Durham, the Nation of Islam, and Durham County Prison . . . to the Summit Church
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College Students: The Mission Awaits!
College students, many of you are trying to find the will of God for your...
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