Why Pursue Racial Integration in Our Churches? (A Biblical Answer)
Come join us for our upcoming EQUIP Forum on March 5 from 6:30-8:30 pm. The topic will...
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What Does It Mean to “Not Love the World?”
If you read through 1 John, you’ll come across a short statement that might seem...
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The Advantages From Remaining Sin
I came across this letter recently from John Newton, the converted slave-trader most well-known as...
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What To Do When You Continue To Doubt
We've just finished our Assured series, all about assurance of salvation. My goal has been...
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What Is Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit?
This isn’t just idle speculation for me, either. At one point in my past, I...
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The Mind-boggling Simplicity of the Great Commission
I ran across this post from John Piper today: How Much Is Left to Do...
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The Gospel Gives Both Humility and Confidence
The gospel produces two fruits in you that no other religious or spiritual truth can...
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The Gospel Project Experience
On May 17–18, I will be participating in an event that LifeWay is hosting in...
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An Open Letter to the Summit Church
The following letter comes to you from Brad O'Brien. We recently commissioned him, his family,...
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How to Have Communion with the Spirit
The Christian life is not just about doctrines or spiritual disciplines, but about fellowship with...
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