Cities of Ruthless Nations Will Fear You
"Therefore strong peoples will glorify you; cities of ruthless nations will fear you."(Isaiah 25:3 ESV)...
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Advance 13 Begins Today!
Hopefully I will be seeing a lot of you over the next few days at...
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Racial Integration: Of Marbles, Soup, and Beef Stew
This is the fourth of a multi-part series on racial integration in the church. Be sure...
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4 Ways We Need to Grow in Evangelism
If evangelism is not something that we do well as a church, everything else that...
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John Piper at the Summit Church!
Over the next few weeks we have a lot going on at the Summit Church...
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Why Faithfulness And Effectiveness Belong Together
Monday begins the three-day conference that I have been looking forward to all year: Advance....
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Job Descriptions for a Christian Husband and Wife
The following guest post comes from our Pastor of Counseling, Brad Hambrick, as part of...
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Why Pursue Racial Integration In Our Churches (A Practical Answer)
This is the third of a multi-part series on racial integration in the church. Be...
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How Do We Pursue Racial Integration? Some Practical Considerations
This is the second of a multi-part series on racial integration in the church. Much...
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Summit: Four Ways We Can Prepare for Easter
Hey Summit, Can you believe Easter is only four weeks away? (more…)
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