John Bryson: Be A Man Like Jesus, Not Like Adam
I recently heard John Bryson at Advance13, and was both challenged and enriched by what...
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Renewal for a New Decade
Pardon the personal nature of this post, but, Summit Church, on the occasion of my...
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Don’t Plant a Toxic Church: The Value of a Training Residency
Most church planters feel a burning desire to innovate, a restlessness with the status quo,...
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Faithful Churches Grow Deep and Wide
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Faithful Churches Must Pursue Both Width And Depth
Videos of the main sessions from Advance13 are now available online! Check it out here. Special...
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One Transforming Question
In Ephesians 5:21, the Apostle Paul gives a principle for how all Christians should relate...
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How To Get Your Children Involved In Missions Almost daily, my wife and I pray that the gospel would give our children...
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College Students: Study Abroad for the Great Commission
One of the greatest challenges for the advancement of the gospel among the unreached in...
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Is Flat Screen Preaching A Fad?
This guest post is from @Rick_Langston, Senior Associate Pastor at the Summit Church, who oversees Multi-Site Development....
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Don’t Squander One Blessing By Coveting Another
Read through 1 Corinthians 7 and you’ll see that Paul says there are some real...
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