Advance13 Sessions Available for Download!
All of the sessions from our recent Advance13 Conference are now available online. Click here to...
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Why The Summit Church Is Multi-site
I continue to get questions about the “multi-site” strategy on a regular basis. It’s not...
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Planting 1,000 Churches By 2050 – 16 and Counting!
Every church has a lifespan – the average church gets about 40 years. Occasionally, that...
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David Powlison’s Classic “Idols of the Heart”
I have been reading back through an old, favorite article by David Powlison: “Idols of...
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Leading Or Serving?
I thought this was a great scene from Band of Brothers that goes right along with what...
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Charie’s Story: Redemption and Healing from Sexual Abuse One of the most powerful applications of the gospel I have ever heard. Thank...
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The Light of Grace First Shows Us the Wickedness of Our Hearts
Imagine entering a filthy room in the dark. Light a small match, and you notice...
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Behind the Quirky Humor of Duck Dynasty
What's the secret behind Duck Commander, the wacky "Duck Dynasty" guys? Listen to Willie Robertson:...
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10 Ways to Fight Like a Christian
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good...
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A Conversation on Submission From 3 High Capacity Summit Wives
The message this conversation is based on, "Gospel Purposes for Gender: Eph 5:21-32" from our...
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