Summit Bingo
One of our members here at the Summit, Ben McCormick, created a Bingo board to...
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Seven Lessons for New Missionaries
I’ve been reading through a collection of letters from pastor, professor, and author, Jack Miller...
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When the Gospel Comes Alive: One Summit Couple’s Story
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Encouraging Note About “Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart”
I got this encouraging note a couple days ago and thought it would be worth...
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Reflections on the SBC 2013
Last week I spent 3 days in Houston, TX, at the Southern Baptist Pastors' Conference...
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Prayer for the Summit Church: Psalm 132:13-15
I read this passage in my time with God this morning, and the Spirit of...
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The Church Is God’s Demonstration Community
One of the things we say all the time at the Summit is that the church...
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Showdown in the Green Room
Matt Papa foolishly challenged me to a pull-up competition. The end of the matter was...
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Sharing the Gospel on the Back of Napkin: “The Bridge”
I reflected recently that having the right evangelistic tools can greatly increase the confidence our...
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If Dependence Is the Objective, Weakness Is an Advantage
The prophet Elijah was a man who had always taken care of himself. But suddenly...
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