Every Nation, Tribe, and Tongue . . . in Our Own Backyard
Despite the growing globalization of our world, there are still 7,266 unreached people groups (UPGs), ethnic...
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Every Christian Is Either a Missionary or an Impostor
Ran across this convicting piece recently from Charles Spurgeon, in a 1873 sermon entitled “A...
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Confront the Whispering Lies of Depression
Depression is one of those topics that a lot of people in church tend to...
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Young Atheists Diagnose Anemic Christianity
The following excerpts are from an article in The Atlantic that I read recently, Listening...
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Our Hope in the Trayvon Martin Incident
I thought Al Mohler had a stirring and insightful piece about the verdict in the...
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Only One God Was Mutilated For You
The main question the prophet Elijah was commissioned to answer was "Is there really only...
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The Deadly Myth of the Consenting Adult
The following excerpts are from a thought-provoking article about government and ethics, “The Deadly Myth...
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Modesty: Why Wardrobe Still Matters
A few weeks ago, in a video entitled “The Evolution of the Swimsuit,” Jessica Rey...
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W4YW — Thinking about What Happened This Week: Same-Sex Marriage and the American Church
On Wednesday, five members of the Supreme Court struck down a 1996 decision by the...
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God’s Call for a “Humble Faith”
In the face of tragedy, it is natural to lift our eyes heavenward and to...
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