Serbia: A Short Term Missions Success Story
We received this letter from a leading missionary in Eastern Europe, and I wanted to...
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Lead by Influence, Not by Command
Leadership can be viewed as a continuum, with the command-and-control style of leadership on one...
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Vision Weekend at the Summit This is just a glimpse into what God is doing here at the Summit. Check out...
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Don’t Be Blind to God’s Love!
I love the story of Elisha opening the eyes of his servant in 2 Kings...
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Tim Keller: Train Pastors by Putting Them on Campus
Tim Keller understands one of the many reasons that we invest in college students: If...
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We Cannot Manipulate God, But We Can Trust Him
It frustrates me to no end when I hear people talk about miracles in the...
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The Source of Abraham Lincoln’s Resolve
I read this great piece recently from Abraham Lincoln: The Spiritual Growth of a Public...
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Trust Me, You CAN Memorize Scripture
I hope you'll forgive the inexcusable "proud parent" element of this, but I thought it...
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Through the Valley of Surrender, Sacrifice, and Service
The prophet Elisha’s call to ministry (1 Kings 19:19–21) is one of the most bizarre...
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Martin Luther on the “Masks of God”
Martin Luther, the great German reformer, was instrumental in breaking down the artificial divide between...
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