Apple, Inc., and the Kind of Criticism that Helps
Like most people, I like being affirmed. And I don’t enjoy receiving criticism. But not...
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Evangelize? I’d Rather Not
Over the years, I’ve heard my fair share of excuses for why people don’t proclaim...
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Race: Is There An Issue?
Southeastern recently posted the video from a discussion panel I was on in November. This...
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My Favorite Old Testament Story
The story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5 is probably my favorite story in the...
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Anonymous Youth Pastor’s Letter to a Parent
This is a poignant summation of the frustration of many who work in student ministry....
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Church at the Ballpark 2013: A Moment For Us to Remember
This Sunday 11,500 people descended on the Durham Bulls Athletic Park for Church at the...
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No Such Thing As Boring: A Conversation with Michael Kelley
If there’s one word that sums up the lives of many in our congregations, it...
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Here I Stand, I Cannot Do Otherwise
I’ve been re-reading Roland Bainton’s classic biography of Martin Luther, Here I Stand: A Life...
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Why Do We Do Church at the Ballpark?
In just a few short days, The Summit Church will descend upon the Durham Bulls...
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