Miracles Point to the Mission
I know a lot of people who really get tripped up by miracles in the...
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Four Ways God’s Spirit Speaks To Our Spirit (Part 2)
This is the last of a four-part series about the Holy Spirit. Check out part 1...
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Four Ways God’s Spirit Speaks To Our Spirit (Part 1)
This is the 3rd of a four-part series about the Holy Spirit. You can see part...
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The First Assignment in the Great Commission: “Do Nothing”
This is the 2nd of a four-part series about the Holy Spirit. You can see part...
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In Light of a “Strange Fire” – Some Holy Spirit Thoughts
In light of the recent controversy that John MacArthur, Mark Driscoll, et al. have been...
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Four Reasons the Gospels Could Not Be Legends
The most popular theory today against the Bible is that the gospels are a bunch...
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How Did the Apostles View Old Testament Scripture?
I wonder sometimes whether the earliest apostles would recognize the way we treat the Old...
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Boldness: Saying Something (When Saying Nothing Is Easier)
I got this email today from one of our members. It is always encouraging for...
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ServeRDU: Serving Our Community as a Sign of the Gospel
We've had an extraordinary past few days, as just under 3,000 Summit volunteers served in...
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Why Morality Belongs in the Public Square
“While he is remembered primarily for his difficult political decisions which kept the Union intact,...
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