Risking for Christ Is Dangerous (but Not Risking Is More Dangerous)
In an excellent little book called Risk Is Right, John Piper points out that most...
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3 Critical Truths About Our Money
Zacchaeus is a household name for most Christians, thanks to the annoyingly catchy Sunday School...
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Initial Faith Is Not Enough; We Need Staying Faith
Most Christians are familiar with the account of Peter walking on water. It’s such an...
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I Got Rhythm, I Got Margin (Who Could Ask For Anything More?)
For those of us in ministry, fatigue can often seem like a badge of honor....
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5 Secrets to a Bolder Life
Most of us would probably like to be bolder. We read the biblical stories of...
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5 Things God Teaches Us in the Tragic Deaths of Ananias & Sapphira
The story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 lets us know that despite the...
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From Acts of Kindness to Gospel Proclamation
When ServeRDU goes from projects to people, and from acts of kindness to gospel proclamation:...
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So, “Atheist Megachurches” Are Apparently a Thing
Courtesy of Danny Franks, this article is an insightful look into a fad that proves...
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Four Elements of a True Gospel Witness
Whenever I read the gospel presentations in the book of Acts, I am struck by...
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Miraculous Healing – Q&A
As a pastor, I get a lot of question about miraculous healing. These come in...
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