Why Multi-Cultural Matters More Than Multi-Colored
Most churches say they want to be “diverse,” but it wasn’t until recently that I...
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Gospel at Work Panel: Al Mohler, Bob Doll, Henry Kaestner, & Mike Lee
http://vimeo.com/86523823 See here for the rest of the talks from our Gospel at Work conference.
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The Bittersweet Blessing of a Missionary’s Parents
The more our vision of church planting catches on around the Summit, the more young...
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Four Ways You Should Pray for Your Pastors
One of the greatest joys in my life is serving as pastor of the Summit....
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But in Multi-Site, I Don’t Know the Pastor
It has been nearly 10 years since The Summit Church moved to a multi-site strategy....
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Four Ways to Win the Battle Against Busyness
I’m a busy person. I interact with busy people all the time. Chances are, you’re...
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How Can We Plant 1,000 Churches by 2050?
If you’ve been around the Summit any length of time, you’ve heard our vision of...
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Shouldn’t I Love God More By Now?
Pastor J.D., I’ve been thinking a lot about something you mentioned in a sermon a...
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Why Plant Campuses, When You Can Plant Churches Instead?
One of the most frequent objections I get to our multi-site approach is this: “Why do...
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Summit Church, You Are Sent!
Summit, this weekend I challenged you to personally commit to the cause of missions. I...
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