In Defense of Short-Term Mission Trips
One of the most curious things about the book of Acts is how Luke goes...
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My Saviour Wept
  Christ was all anguish that I might be all joy,   cast off that I...
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Suffering With Christ Is Better Than Prosperity Without Him "Cancer sucks; Christ is better." What a beautiful statement of Christian hope in the...
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Three Lessons From Jesus In His Darkest Valley
Every year, as Easter approaches, I’m tempted to rush through passion week and just focus...
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Does God Care About Your Job? Check out the rest of the Gospel at Work talks here.
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Worshiping With Outsiders In Mind
I’ve been re-reading Tim Keller’s Center Church, an immensely helpful and frequently challenging book. Among...
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Why I Love “Our God Is Unstoppable”
There are a few things that everyone expects you as the pastor to do. Praising...
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The Incredible Story of a Rwandan Genocide Survivor
Today marks the 20th anniversary of the tragic and far-reaching genocide in Rwanda. We have...
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Dragged Into the Kingdom, Kicking and Screaming
C. S. Lewis has one of the more intriguing stories of conversion. In his autobiography,...
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Three Crucial Insights As You Share Christ With Your Muslim Friend
When engaging Muslims with the gospel, your message cannot be simply a defense of Christianity...
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