5 Truths About Jesus, Life, & Death
Charles Spurgeon said that doubt was like a raised foot, poised either to move forward...
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Without the Lord’s Presence, a Palace Would Be a Prison
I thought this was particularly challenging. It is from the Letters of John Newton (pp. 26-27),...
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4 Questions To Help You See Where You Stand With Jesus
One of the ironies of our current culture is that most people today find Jesus...
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Ted Talks from Gospel at Work
Henry Kaestner, "Work and Leadership" http://vimeo.com/86055134 (more…)
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“Recovering Redemption” – The Gospel Is The Power To Change
I’m excited to pick up Matt Chandler and Michael Snetzer’s Recovering Redemption: A Gospel-Saturated Perspective...
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5 Lessons from the Life of Stephen
One of the outworkings of the gospel is that it will inevitably reorder your value...
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Twelve Principles for Racial Integration
http://vimeo.com/90126632 At The Summit Church, we are just beginning to understand what it means to...
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Gaining by Losing: Sending Out Some of Our Best to Plant Churches
http://vimeo.com/93528026 A few weeks ago, I sat at a table with our four church planting...
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Chosen To Suffer
Every serious Christian I know—myself included—has asked the question at some point in his life,...
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Prayer Moves the Arm that Moves the World
I’ve been struck recently at how many parallels there are between Luke and Acts. The...
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