Responding To Pain: See It Coming, See It Through
When it comes to pain, we have a lot to learn from the Apostle Paul....
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Business Brings Blessing to a Community
I’m encouraged by the growing movement to use business as a way to gain access...
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Spurgeon: Keep Up The Prayer Meetings All You Can
The great rain was given in answer to Elijah's prayers; but not even then the...
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Three Misconceptions Westerners Have About Muslims
When the average Westerner hears “Muslim,” a number of images come to mind—mostly negative. Some...
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Reading the Bible with Your Non-Believing Friends
There are many non-believing people in our community who think of themselves as religious and...
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4 Changes that Jesus’ Second Coming Produces in Us
I grew up in a church that talked about the return of Jesus a lot—about...
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When College Students Catch a Vision for “Sending”
A week ago we commissioned a whole slew of our college students (cheerfully pictured above)...
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7 Signs That You’re “Judging” Others
“Judge not” is one of the most popular Bible verses in our society, especially among...
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Church Multiculturalism: Shadow of Rev 5:9
Originally we posted this article yesterday, but after some dialogue with our staff, particularly some...
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How To Engage The Demonic
When it comes to the idea of the demonic, there are two errors that people...
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