Islam: The Ultimate Religion of Works
One of my frustrations when sharing Christ with Muslims was that I had a hard...
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How to Reach the Three Types of People in Our Community
Acts 16 contains the stories of three people who were unlikely candidates for the growing...
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“Ready to Launch”: People Like Me Much Better When Veronica is Present
I had a lot of fun filming these 10-second video promos for Ready to Launch...
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5 Insights Into Idolatry
There are certain themes in Scripture that tend to beat you over the head with...
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Ready to Launch – Interview with Trevin Wax
My friend Trevin Wax recently asked Veronica and me to highlight our new parenting resource,...
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Parents: Love Is Not Enough
Many parents have what I like to call the “Beatles philosophy of parenting”: all you...
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8 Questions to Boost Your Productivity
The commonsense wisdom of Pareto and Parkinson seems rather obvious: “Identify the few critical tasks...
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What Pareto & Parkinson Can Teach Us About Productivity
I recently read a fascinating book called The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss. The premise:...
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“Ready To Launch” Is . . . Ready To Launch!
When Lifeway contacted Veronica and me to write a resource on parenting, we were understandably...
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Reaching the Nations through Our Cities
I ran across an insightful article this week by Chris Clayman, “Reaching the Nations through...
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