Four Ways We Can Live SENT
For all of the action in the book of Acts, it has an oddly unsatisfying...
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Jonathan Edwards’ Newest Book
You read that right: Jonathan Edwards just published a new book. No, not the puritan...
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Two Ways to Drive Our Roots Deep into the Gospel
I’ve recently been reading a new book by Tim Keller, Walking with God Through Pain...
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Don’t Be A Fundamentalist (Calvinist Or Otherwise)
Heresy can be what you believe, but perhaps just as often, heresy is the weight...
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The Hilarious Hazards of Missionary Life
Russ Woodbridge is one of our missionaries serving in Ukraine. The following note was recently...
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Aiming for “Resourceful Excellence” in Our Renovations
We’re nearing the end of a several-month building project, focused mainly on renovating our kids’...
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Equipping Churches to Fulfill the Great Commission
A few years ago, God gave The Summit Church a vision of planting 1,000 churches...
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Sending Our Best . . . And Reaping New Church Plants!
This note from Tim & Jody Jackson—a couple of our overseas church planters—is an enormous...
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Some Help in Praying the Psalms
This weekend I preached on a pretty heavy text—Psalm 88. Brad Hambrick, our Pastor of...
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Some Church Planting Numbers Worth Celebrating
It’s fall here in Raleigh-Durham, which means our college kids have returned en masse. I...
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