Abraham Kuyper on Multi-Site…100 Years Ago!
One of our pastors, Jonathan Welch, recently came across this intriguing little quote by Abraham...
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Two Attributes of God That Drive Us to Pray
D. A. Carson points out that if you really want to embarrass the average Christian,...
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“Jesus, Continued” Releases Today!
Jesus, Continued...: Why the Spirit Inside You Is Better than Jesus Beside You is officially available to...
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Rosaria Butterfield’s Interview & My Talk from the ERLC Conference
I was one of several men and women invited to participate in the Ethics and...
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Halloween Is Awesome … or Awful: Romans 14 & Matters of Conscience
Ask if Christians should celebrate Halloween and you're likely to get mixed responses. On one...
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But I Can’t Feel God
If you think being filled by the Holy Spirit means an endless series of miracles,...
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Three Church Planting Myths Debunked
At the Summit, one of our plumblines is: our success is measured by sending capacity as much as seating...
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Does Multi-Site Discourage Leadership Development?
In this four-part blog series, we attempt to answer the question: is it possible to pursue...
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Does Multi-Site Contribute to the Consumeristic Culture of the Church?
In this four-part blog series, we attempt to answer the controversial question: is it possible to...
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Is Multi-Site A Biblically Sound Model?
In this four-part blog series, we answer the simple but controversial question: is it possible to...
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