The Gospel in Three Directions
If you were to ask the average Christian, “How can you become more self-controlled, more...
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Not IF You Are Called, Only Where and How Last year, by God's grace, nearly 500 Summit members went on a short-term trip,...
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My Prayer for The Summit Church in 2015
This weekend we at the Summit celebrated Vision Weekend, as we rejoiced in what God...
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Don’t Lose the Thread of God’s Grace
Growing up in a Baptist church doesn’t make for an attitude that is high on...
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Martin Luther King, Jr. (Still) Matters
Today our nation celebrates the life and prophetic vision of Martin Luther King, Jr. And...
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Five Marks Of An Awakening
Second Chronicles 29–31 is the story of a king who stood in the gap of...
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Fishermen That Don’t Fish
“Follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” It is tragically...
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Are You Willing to Doubt Your Doubts?
Doubt can be a tricking thing. Our society, for instance, has elevated doubt to an...
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Merry Christmas!
For those of you who missed it, we had over 10,000 people pack the Durham...
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Don’t Just Attend Multi-Cultural Events, Live Multi-Cultural Lives
This is the last of a four-part blog series on racial and cultural diversity. The...
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