Rejoicing During Afflictions and Unhappiness
Many of us think Christians are supposed to always be happy, and if you’re not,...
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Will People Die for a Lie?
Sometimes we lose the mind-blowing shock of the Apostle Paul’s first-century conversion. The number one...
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Four Reasons People Are Ashamed of the Gospel
What is it about the gospel that tempts people to feel ashamed? Even the Apostle...
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How Was Abraham Saved?
What is saving faith, and how do you know if you have it? Paul answers...
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Do Babies Who Die Go to Heaven?
I’ve gotten this question countless times throughout my years of ministry. Usually, it’s not just...
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Worship Is Not a Reflection of How You Feel
Rejoicing comes from reminding yourself of something that you know. It’s amazing how many times...
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How You Live Shows What You Believe
When we have truly been saved, good works will always follow. When Jesus takes up...
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The Bottomless Search for Approval
That’s a picture of the human race: We feel exposed, unacceptable, and ashamed. Our whole...
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A Different Kind of Exclusivity
The book of Romans was written right after Jews returned to the church in Rome...
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How Were People Saved in the Old Testament?
I often get the question, “How were people saved in the Old Testament?” To answer...
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